Matthews Family     MENU
Tom & Angie Matthews

About Us

On Mission in Thailand
Tom Matthews
on mission in Thailand
Our family was sent out by Eastside and Lakeside Community Churches back in 2009. We have served in Chiangmai, Thailand, since 2019. Here we join God's relentless passion to multiply opportunities for unreached people to encounter the good news of Jesus so that they can place their faith in God and confidently live out their identity in Christ.

I believe He gives divine opportunities to share the gospel when we enter into the simple joys and harsh realities of unreached people living in Thai communities. In doing this, we witness the Great Commandment help to fulfill the Great Commission. As we love the Lord with all He commands and our neighbors, we make disciples, baptize them, and plant churches as we are invited into people's lives and help solve community problems. When we teach these communities of faith to do the same, the gospel spreads to the ends of the earth.

Help Us to Meet Yearly Budget!

We rejoice with loud shouts and praises!

It is Yours Father, all Yours! The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory are Yours!

He is no fool who gives that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.

-Jim Elliot

For our family, leaving for the mission field meant we had the unique joy of walking away the security of our beautiful home and family business, to GO and preach the gospel to those with the least opportunities to hear His message.

Ever since, we've put trust in JESUS, above all, through interdependence with His body, His people, the church to provide support as we labor in these vast unreached harvest fields.

We now again look to the Father for basic budget needs, not extras. There is so much work to do and we are stretched to do it.

There is a ready HARVEST and lack of workers to gather!

Pray, Give and Go!

We hope to continue this work on the mission fields of Asia until we physically cannot or till Jesus returns. We trusted in Him more than our livelihood and possessions back in 2008 when we released all that we owned in the USA and we have been rejoicing 15 years on the mission field, praise be to Him.

We still believe that He will provide for our future and for Madeline too!

We are running to those who we will meet in Heaven. Those who up till now haven't had the opportunity to encounter the gospel and believe in Jesus.

Buckle Up and Put on a Hat. We are Moving Forward in Jesus' mighty name!

First Quarter 2025
First Quarter 2025
25% - $250/mo raised- Amen!
Second Quarter 2025
Second Quarter 2025
50% - $500/mo raised
Third Quarter 2025
Third Quarter 2025
75% - $750/mo raised
Fourth and Final Quarter 2025
Fourth and Final Quarter 2025
100% - $1000/mo raised
Ministry and Beyond
We are the Matthews family; Tom, Angie, Robert, Annabelle, Nicolas, and Madeline. We are also "godfamily" to Enoch and Lilly.
Tom worked as a Medical Laboratory Scientist and was an owner of a fire protection company in Florida before coming to Asia.
We have been on mission in Asia since 2009 and worked among several different people groups.
Tom enjoyed working as a coffee roasting factory manager, an English teacher, and we were owners of a cafe while we lived in Asia and used business as our ministry.
In Thailand, we partnered with another missionary family to start a Christian network with the common purpose of praying and working together to make disciples and plant churches in Chiangmai and beyond.
We are a part of a team at a children's group home to help those who provide care for orphans and children at risk through foster care, daily support, and special projects.
Angie volunteers her experience as an educational consultant with an organization that provides assistance to families who are schooling their children on the mission field. Her loving guidance keeps families on the field by helping parents stay on track in educating their children to reach their full potential.
Tom volunteers with Goodwill Foundation, teaching English and helping provide essentials for the underemployed of our city.
We also work with a community support foundation, giving oversight and advice to teams so that communities might know Jesus and thrive through community health development in Thailand.

Tom enjoys roasting coffee and we both love drinking a good cup. Tom received his Q-grader certification and roasted coffee professionally as part of our ministry. We would truly enjoy sharing a cup and chatting together with you soon.