Matthews Family Blog Articles

The Three Markets

Hello family,

The summer ends on a high note as we receive our visas for another year. There has been increased scrutiny in visa processing recently. However, one of the higher officials who reviewed our paperwork was impressed with the required photo submission of our work. She called our foundation to pay a compliment. Perhaps this will help the visa renewal for six other families with our foundation doing missionary work here in Thailand. Thank you for praying.

Praise: The markets where we pray and then preach the gospel are becoming filled with people who have time to chat without concern about the virus. These markets are gospel points of entry into different subdistricts. They are a place to meet people from that area, so that we might start Bible study groups in the neighborhoods.

Three Markets
-Our market: As you may recall, many children began studying the Bible at our neighborhood market. The parents eventually began praying together, and the children enjoyed doing Bible-centered arts and crafts. We even put on a Jesus-centered play where we all had parts and unintentionally entertained regulars at the outdoor food park. They now have the opportunity to attend a mission church in that area regularly as we continue to visit and partner with them to reach the buyers and sellers. 
Pray: Recently, Mormons have come building falsehood upon the gospel sown.

-Train station market: There is another market near the train station that we have been visiting on Fridays. It is next to a Buddhist temple, and we have found this to be a challenging place to share the gospel and have seen little visible progress. We feel this location is key and feel like we are on a battleground there. 
Pray: for open eyes, ears, and hearts.

-MaeKhue market: Because of the generosity of a nearby resort, we have secured a place where we can invite interested folks to attend fun gospel events. We have partnered with some Baptist missionaries (IMB) to pray on Friday evenings before evangelism on Saturday mornings. We also found a coffee shop in the market with Christian owners. We can invite people to the coffee shop for Bible studies when free.
Pray: Buyers and sellers might have a chance to hear and respond to the gospel.

-We look forward to our Winter furlough! It will begin in December when we visit friends at Clemson and attend Annabelle’s graduation on the 22nd. We then plan to go to Florida, where we will see our parents, friends, and Eastside Community Church through the last week of February. We will hope to find transportation, and housing, so that we might be able to live on our Thailand budget while in the US. Please pray for these things as God has always provided, and I trust He will provide for us all.

Thanks for reading and partnering with the Matthews family :)

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Pictures: Both, Train Station Market
2022-09-15 03:42 Prayer Letters