Matthews Family Blog Articles

The Forgotten People and Mission History

Hello Family,

Looking back on June and into July. This has been an exciting time of evangelism and the beginnings of opportunities to make disciples in the markets and schools. In the markets we have two young coffee shop managers starting Bible studies and in the schools we have been following up on many students who have taken first steps in following Christ. There are hundreds more!

Angie was able to take a trip to the Myanmar border to help our team there to hold a weekend English camp for the schools for Burmese Mus-lims. She was deeply saddened by the abuse and neglect of women and girls there. We believe the church can’t just stand by and let this happen, please pray that the light and power of the gospel of Jesus change hearts and minds in this village. Please pray for these little ones, please. That a safe community of Jesus believers might develop here.

We are excited to have begun planning a trip to the USA for our 2022-23 furlough and Annabelle's Graduation. We will hopefully arrive in December 2022 and stay for 3 to 4 months.

Please pray with us for funds and provision for travel, transportation and housing for this much anticipated season in the US:)

As we have added a few new readers to this update I thought it a good time to give this overview of our mission to Asia below.

Grace and Peace,

The Matthews Family (Tom, Angie, Robert, Annabelle, Nicolas, and Madeline)

A Brief History:

Our family has been on the field going on 14 years. We have been blessed to work with many different unreached people groups . We lived in Asia for around 10 years where we loved doing college ministry and foster care for abandoned children with H K Christian Action. In addition our family taught English at a few private schools there and also opened a couple of restaurants with a specialty coffee focus. We would hire employees from these unreached groups and do life on life evangelism and discipleship with them as we worked daily together. We also raised awareness in northwest by leading groups from eastern CN, Taiwan, and the West, even a few friends from Jacksonville, to these rough desolate places to do short term trips among people groups there.


We have lived here in Chiangmai for around 4 years where Tom has worked as volunteer for Thailand Goodwill Foundation providing for the physical and spiritual needs of the underemployed minority and hill tribe communities. He is also assuming the Project Manager role for (PCF) a foundation that provides oversight and helps teams from organizations to transform cousin communities with the powerful gospel. Also, because he loves to network, a fellow missionary and Tom started an outreach network here called R C M, where they have organized inclusive projects that focus on communities in Chiangmai and beyond. Angie has been working recently at beginning the dream she has of helping children and young adults with physical/mental challenges thrive, she is a Education Consultant and librarian for an education resource consortium helping homeschooling families with education resources, guidance (26 years of homeschooling experience), and official testing she also helps at the Kingdom Kids Home in Mae Rim, Chiangmai that helps to provide care for orphans and children at-risk through foster support and daily care, part of Thailand's orphanage network.

Thanks for reading and partnering with the Matthews family :)

2022-07-20 03:49 Prayer Letters